Welcome to Little League® baseball in the U.K.! We are a well-organized, fun and competitive youth baseball league located within easy reach of London and the southeast of England. Our aim is to serve the community by embracing fundamental skill development, good sportsmanship and team play.
LYBL is open to boys and girls from ages 4 to 18.
The London Youth Baseball League (LYBL) is the preeminent Little League baseball club in the UK.
London Little League Boundary
LYBL operates as part of the London Little League boundary. Under Little League regulations, in order for a player to be eligible for post-season Little League tournaments with LYBL, players are required to reside or attend a school within the London Little League boundary. Players outside this boundary area may be permitted to play in post-season Little League tournaments if a waiver is submitted by the League and approved by the UK District Administrator, the Europe-Africa Region Director and ultimately Little League International in Williamsport, PA, USA. There are no guarantees that waivers will be approved. Any activity outside of Little League sanctioned post-season tournaments are not impacted. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Little League Finder: https://www.littleleague.org/play-little-league/league-finder/